Influence of dynamics of students professional motives by means of a foreign language

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On the basis of Samara high school graduates life projects monitoring an issue urgency of high education institution choice and profession for the purpose of acquisition of professional competences is proved. In dynamic environment of societal life students need to acquire regulatory means for successful interaction with professional community representatives internationally that demands professional reasons formedness. Educational and informative activity of students is the most important means of students’ quality training improvement. In recent years researchers even more turn to study of training outcome which depends on the applied pedagogical means. Interest in studying of vocational training result from such subjective characteristic as motivation of high education receiving is unreasonably underestimated. Results of this research reflect new tendencies of modern high education: the integration processes setting new productive characteristics of vocational education quality - aspiration for career development, interest to creation of personal development trajectory. First and second year students survey results prove that set of educational means when studying foreign languages promotes revitalizing not only student cognitive activity but also reinforcement of professional competences acquisition requirement allowing to implode into professional association. As a result the foreign language becomes an evolvement means of professional motivation and the mechanism of linguistic identity formation that is successfully socialized in international professional area. The methodical aspect of a problem is presented by conditions of a foreign language acquisition: verbal and semantic, thesaurus, pragmatical. The comparative analysis of experimental work results confirms the expediency of students’ readiness formation for integration into new type of social reality in the course of communicative education. It is proved that the result of communicative education is achieved by integration of two models (the model of the linguistic identity and model of professional activity) that is assisted by means of a foreign language.

About the authors

Tatiana Ivanovna Rudneva

Samara National Research University

Author for correspondence.

doctor of pedagogical sciences, professor, head of Theory and Methods of Professional Education Department

Russian Federation, 443086, Samara, Moskovskoe chaussee, 34

Anna Borisovna Khramtsova

Samara National Research University


candidate of pedagogical sciences, associate professor of Modern Languages and Professional Communication Department

Russian Federation, 443086, Samara, Moskovskoe chaussee, 34


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Copyright (c) 2016 Rudneva T.I., Khramtsova A.B.

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