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The article gives an attempt of drawing up the algorithm with the conditional name of the differential operator of decisions S ⎷, for calculation of values of net functions R x,t, E x,t, meeting such conditions as: max ||R x,t-R(x,t)||→0, max ||E x,t-E(x,t)||→0, where means the norm of the corresponding quantities.

About the authors

Igor Viktorovich Ryzhov

Russian State Pedagogical University A.I. Gertsen


Candidate of Physico-mathematical Sciences, Professor at the Department «Theoretical Physics and Astronomy» of the Faculty of Physics

191186, naberezhnaya r. Moyki, 48, St. Petersburg, Russia

Alexey Alekseevich Vasilyev

St. Petersburg academy of post-degree pedagogical education, str. Lomonosova


educational master at the technical management department of information technologies

11-13, St. Petersburg 191002, Russia

Nikolay Aleksandrovich Vasiliev

Russian State Pedagogical University A.I. Gertsen


Candidate of Physico-mathematical Sciences, Professor at the Department of «Theoretical physics and astronomy» of the Faculty of Physics

191186, naberezhnaya r. Moyki, 48, St. Petersburg, Russia

Irina Svyatoslavna Kosova

Russian State Pedagogical University A.I. Gertsen


Candidate of Pedagogical Sciences, Assistant Professor at the Department of «Algebra» of the Faculty of Mathematics

191186, naberezhnaya r. Moyki, 48, St. Petersburg, Russia

Lev Viktorovich Zhukov

Russian State Pedagogical University A.I. Gertsen


Doctor of Pedagogical Sciences, Professor at the Department «Theoretical physics and astronomy» of the Faculty of Physics

191186, Россия, Санкт-Петербург, наб. р. Мойки, д. 48

Vladimir Nikolayevich Aniskin

Samara State Academy of Social Sciences and Humanities

Author for correspondence.

Candidate of Pedagogic Sciences, Associate Professor, Professor at the Department «Informatics, Applied Mathematics and Technique of Their Teaching»

str. M. Gorkogo, 65/67, Samara, 443099, Russia


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Copyright (c) 2015 Ryzhov I.V., Vasilyev A.A., Vasiliev N.A., Kosova I.S., Zhukov L.V., Aniskin V.N.

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