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Formation of quantum mechanics bases is impossible without acquisition of knowledge and abilities for the solution of the corresponding tasks in this section of theoretical physics. At the same time, the exact solution of tasks is not always possible in quantum mechanics, especially if they are non-stationary and multipartial tasks. Various approximate methods (the theory of perturbations, a variation method, quasiclassical and adiabatic approximations) are developed for the solution of quantum mechanical problems. Sometimes tasks which are studied in a standard course of quantum mechanics can be solved by the one-dimensional equation of Schrödinger, but the division method of variables is, in fact, exclusive, and similar decisions can have special features, which are not characteristic for solutions of a general kind. The quantity of the solution methods applied to this class of problems is limited. In this article it is shown that a number of the main representations of quantum mechanics can be created without preliminary studying of its mathematical apparatus, by use of de Broil waves.

About the authors

Igor Viktorovich Ryzhov

Russian State Pedagogical University A.I. Gertsen


Candidate of Physico-mathematical Sciences, Professor at the Department «Theoretical Physics and Astronomy» of the Faculty of Physics

191186, naberezhnaya r. Moyki, 48, St. Petersburg, Russia

Irina Svyatoslavna Kosova

Russian State Pedagogical University A.I. Gertsen


Candidate of Pedagogical Sciences, Assistant Professor at the Department of «Algebra» of the Faculty of Mathematics

191186, naberezhnaya r. Moyki, 48, St. Petersburg, Russia

Nikolay Aleksandrovich Vasiliev

Russian State Pedagogical University A.I. Gertsen


Candidate of Physico-mathematical Sciences, Professor at the Department of «Theoretical physics and astronomy» of the Faculty of Physics

191186, naberezhnaya r. Moyki, 48, St. Petersburg, Russia

Lev Viktorovich Zhukov

Russian State Pedagogical University A.I. Gertsen


Doctor of Pedagogical Sciences, Professor at the Department «Theoretical physics and astronomy» of the Faculty of Physics

191186, naberezhnaya r. Moyki, 48, St. Petersburg, Russia

Vladimir Nikolayevich Aniskin

Samara State Academy of Social Sciences and Humanities

Author for correspondence.

Candidate of Pedagogic Sciences, Associate Professor, Professor at the Department «Informatics, Applied Mathematics and Technique of Their Teaching»

str. M. Gorkogo, 65/67, Samara, 443099, Russia


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Copyright (c) 2015 Ryzhov I.V., Kosova I.S., Vasiliev N.A., Zhukov L.V., Aniskin V.N.

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