Structural analysis of the identity of the individual as the basis for the organization of individual approach in teaching children with profound disabilities

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The following paper considers the concepts «personality», «individual», «individuality» which are necessary for the interpretation of the concepts «individualization» and «individual approach» which in their turn are considered to be interrelated and functionally determined means of ensuring the success of social development of the personality. The author considers the views of our domestic scholars on identity and factors of its development, which are presented from different points of view, on the processes of personality development and its structure. The author also demonstrates the relation between different theories and views that reflect certain aspects of personality. The paper also contains a review of a typical personality structure in order to substantiate approaches to the study of individuality of a child with disabilities. The article shows the contribution of L.S. Vygotsky to the theoretical and experimental research of psychological nature of personality. The author emphasizes that in clinical and individual psychology there has been more interest to the ideas of A. Adler who described the development of personality at different age periods. The material helps to understand that it is necessary to study individual approach to children with disabilities, having a different structure of the defect.

About the authors

Lilia Alexandrovna Druzhinina

South Ural State Humanitarian-Pedagogical University

Author for correspondence.

candidate of pedagogical sciences, associate professor, head of Special Pedagogy, Psychology and Methods of Teaching Department

Russian Federation, 454080, Chelyabinsk, Lenin prospect, 69


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