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To effectively study the development of Russian literature it is important to consider not only literary texts, magazines and newspapers, almanacs, literary circles, but also the lives of writers, artists, cultural workers, their professional relations, as well as to identify the role of certain places in their life and work. This article depicts the life of Russian culture through the life of the Perovsky family in Russia XIX c., it highlights the importance of the contribution of some of the members of the Perovsky family in literature. The paper focuses on A.A. Perovsky (Anthony Pogorelsky), author of romantic novels, the famous fairy tale "The Black Hen, or Underground Dwellers", the creator of the first Russian fantasy novels; and also to the poet, novelist and playwright A.K. Tolstoy (maternally Perovsky), who wrote the "Silver Prince", "History of the Russian state from Gostomysl to Timashev" and numerous romances; Alexander Mikhailovich Zhemchuzhnikov ( Perovsky on the maternal side), one of the creators of the famous literary character Kozma Prutkov, along with A.K. Tolstoy and his brothers Alexey and Vladimir. Particular attention is given to the Orenburg aspect of V.A. Perovsky's life and activity as Orenburg governor, his friendship with the poets V.A. Zhukovsky, A.S. Pushkin, novelist and scholar V.I. Dal, artists - brothers A. and K. Briullovs. The article discusses some facts of V.A. Perovsky’ life reflected in N.V. Gogol's and A.O. Rosset's letters. The author explains L.N. Tolstoy's interest in V.A. Perovsky's personality, who was the prototype for the creation of the image of Pierre Bezukhov (the episode of his captivity) in the novel "War and Peace." This article is based on archival documents, memoirs and epistolary sources.

About the authors

Alla Georgievna Prokofyeva

Orenburg State Pedagogical University

Author for correspondence.

Professor of Department of Literature and methods of teaching literature, Professor of Pedagogy

460014, Russia, Orenburg, Sovetskaya st., 19

Anna Alexeyevna Ganyukova

The Karaganda State University named after E.A. Buketov


Master of Arts, Assistant Professor at the Department of foreign languages

str. Yazeva, 28, Karaganda, 100028, Kazakhstan


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Copyright (c) 2015 Prokofyeva A.G., Ganyukova A.A.

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