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The paper presents economic-mathematical model of analysis of Russian and Norwegian economies sectoral structure dynamics. A comparative analysis of occurred structural changes was performed, proposals for reduction of dependence on raw materials export were made. Structureforming impact of minerals extraction on Russian economy by usage of sectoral division by P-S-T model consists in growth of relative share of primary sector. The process of change of sectoral structure of Norwegian economy over the reviewed period occurred similarly, though intensively. Corresponding sectors of Russian and Norwegian economies have the same dynamics of their shares although deviations from the average in Norwegian economy were more expressed than in Russian. Asymmetry of sectoral growth is evident from inoptimal resource allocation as well as inequality of income distribution. Procedures of management of state incomes from oil export in Russia and Norway are adjusting a process of intersectoral shifts. We identified most strong connection in intersectoral development of economies of Russia and Norway, which is an inverse relationship between primary and tertiary sector shares. Supporting force opposing continuing structural degradation, such as potentially competitive modern industries that are not technologically integrated into the oil and gas extraction and export complex, but are subsidized in the medium-term by its revenues, is a task of the utmost importance for Russian and Norwegian economies.

About the authors

Viacheslav Alexandrovich Perepelkin

Samara State Academy of Social Sciences and Humanities

Author for correspondence.
Email: slavaap@rambler.ru

Doctor of economical science, professo

26, Antonova-Ovseenko str., Samara, Russia, 443090

Elena Viacheslavovna Perepelkina

Samara State Aerospace University

Email: perepelka2102@rambler.ru

Student of Faculty of Economics and Management

34, Moskovskoe shosse, Samara, Russia,443086


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Copyright (c) 2015 Perepelkin V.A., Perepelkina E.V.

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