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Graphic non-verbal means are an important aspect in advertising communication. The relevance of the chosen topic was determined by the growth of the advertising business and the need for understanding the advertising names and the fact that the mark of the journalistic texts of Penza are neoplasms created in atypical, non-usual ways with violations of word-formation rules and laws. The aim of the study was to identify the specific use of various techniques of graphicsation in the advertising space in Penza; to determine the communicative successful and unsuccessful grapheme neoplasms on the data basis of the free associative experiment. According to the author, a successful advertising name must have a kind of "flavor" that can attract consumers of goods and services. The creator of the ad name plays a special game with a potential customer for guessing a hidden "secret code" there. However, graphemes, like matryoshkas, hide one or more independent words inside big words. The interweaving of semantic components, resulting from senses compression, creates the effect of multi-level advertising name, each element of which belongs to a specific layer of meaning and affects the subconscious. Word game with graphemes, search for meanings hidden in an unusual lexeme can entertain the consumer, bring him positive emotions. In addition, people try to tell others about the interesting name, that it is very important to secure the nomination in the memory of potential customers. However, too wide use of unusual graphemes leads to unnecessary distortion of the written word form. Therefore, the founders of modern advertising are to consider the advisability of graphical transformations in the commercial name.

About the authors

Marina Gennadyevna Lunnova

Penza State University

Author for correspondence.
Candidate of Philological Sciences, Associate Professor at the Department of «Russian language and methods of teaching the Russian language» str. Krasnaya, 40, Penza, 440026, Russia


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