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It is the well-known fact, that the knowledge of one foreign language is not enough in the increasingly globalized world. In spite of the fact that English nowadays is considered as universal language, interest in Russian language increases in many touristic countries and Turkey is not an exception. Swift development of innovative technologies led to the emergence of a new type of education - the distance learning. There are two different basic models of distance education: "British" (asynchronous, individual) and the "American" (synchronous, group). Distance learning can create a system of continuous self-learning, exchange of information regardless of time and location. This is a convenient and effective form of learning. The flexibility of distance education attracts students. Turkey is actively developing the distance education, especially in connection with the opening of the Faculty of Open and Distance Learning at the Anadolu University in 1982. A new kind of communication is very actively used in distance learning in this university - a webinar that improves the quality of education. If distance learning of Russian language uses webinars, the sessions can be conducted in a more common format and feedback. For high-quality distance learning of Russian language needs to use asynchronous and synchronous forms. The ability to use a wide range of materials on individual preferences and availability of distance education shows that in the future it will continue to evolve, changing with the development of new technologies.

About the authors

Rosa Kockar

Anadoly University

Author for correspondence.

lecturer at the Department of Russian language and literature

26470, Eskisehir, Turkey


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