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As the political, economic, trade and cultural relations develop between Turkey and Russia in recent years, there is a need for the Russian-speaking professionals in Turkey. Those people whose native language is Turkish are faced with some difficulties in the process of learning the Russian language. These difficulties account for the fact that both of the mentioned languages belong to different language families. Russian belongs to the Baltic-Slavic branch of the Indo-European language family, while the Turkish language belongs to the branch of the Ural-Altaic family. At the initial stage of learning the Russian language students learn the alphabet and spelling as in block letters and in writing. Difficulties continue with the study of grammar, while difference becomes apparent between the grammar of the Russian language and one of the Turkish language. The problem of mismatch in grammatical forms in the same logical plane are to be solved in the process of teaching Russian language. The dative case usage is one form of such inconsistencies. The article presents the difference between the dative case in Turkish and Russian languages, describes the problems associated with the differences arising in the cases of indicating direction (reference point) in Turkey and in Russia. The author classifies the difficulties associated with studying the dative case. The difficulties appearing in impersonal sentences, difficulties in the use of age categories, difficulties in the use of prepositions and some verbs in Russian. Errors that appear in the process of learning foreign languages are associated with the logic. You must be able to think in the target language, to adapt to the requirements of its use.

About the authors

Esra Kadioglu

Anadoly University

Author for correspondence.
Email: esrakadioglu@anadolu.edu.tr

lecturer at the Department of Russian language and literature

26470, Eskisehir, Turkey


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