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It is indisputable that individual words and phraseological units have different semantic significance and perform various discursive and context-stylistic functions. From this point of view they differ words-facts, words-events, words-phenomena. Words-facts are such words the denotative nature of which doesn't depend on the context. А word is the central unit of the language system according to the observations of many domestic and foreign linguists. The title of the main linguistic work of V.V. Vinogradov "Russian language (Grammatical doctrine of the word)" is evidence of that. It is there he gives such a statement by Ferdinand de Saussure: "A word is a unit, relentlessly appearing in our mind, something central in the whole mechanism of language." The article is not about a new category of "Fact", analyzed by Y.S. Stepanov, but about those nominations, which denotations express existing or existed realities perceived by the organs of sense. And the same are analyzed key-words of military vocabulary: soldier, fighter, warrior. The study is carried out on the material of the National Corpus of Russian Language. These three words are represented there in 889 documents, 1292 occurrences. Words fighter and warrior as obsolete are rarely used in the poetry of the Soviet period. Soldier, a word of active vocabulary, in the early XIX century competes with the lexeme fighter in the poetry of S.A. Shirinsky-Shikhmatov, Pushkin, Tiutchev, Nekrasov, Yazikov. In the poetry of the XX century, the majority of applications of the word-fact fighter, unlike the XIX century, are used in the plural, and refer to the nameless participants of wars. Traditionally the application fighter in the poetry of XIX-XX centuries characterizes Iskander - Alexander the Great. It should be kept in mind that a word-fact can act as a word-event and as a word-occurrence depending on the situation. But the article does not consider the demarcation signs that serve to the classification of the given applications.

About the authors

Arkady Leonidovich Golovanevsky

Bryansk State University named after academician I.G. Petrovsky

Author for correspondence.

Doctor of Philological Sciences, Professor, Head of the Department of Russian language

str. Bezhitskaya, 14, Bryansk, 241036, Russia


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