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Nowadays, the concept and the term "gap" occupy a very important place in comparative cultural studies and intercultural communication. Translation communication is a specific communication, as it is a subject to different languages and cultures. Distinctive national characteristics of each culture always reflect in the language and culture of the national consciousness. When it comes to translation, it can be considered successful if it transfers the unusual specificity for the culture elements in their original, real meaning. Gaps arise in varying degrees when transferring from a mismatch of cultural units bearers of various communities. The main goal of our work is to identify some words denoting specific national realities in the translation of literary works from Russian to Turkish. Cultural gaps sometimes formed during the translation of Russian literature into Turkish by virtue of the presence of elements that are unique to Russian culture, that complicate the perception of a work to read. The article gives examples of works of Russian literature, requiring an interpreter comment. Thus the translation from a source language to a target language words that can be transferred out of the context, in this discourse don’t reach a predetermined target sense and some methods may be used to solve this problem.

About the authors

Oksuz Gamze

Gazi University

Author for correspondence.

Assistant Professor at the Department of Russian language and literature

Teknikokullar, Ankara, 06500, Turkey


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