• Authors: Gaisin R.I.1, Saraçoglu Z.2
  • Affiliations:
    1. Kazan Volga Region Federal University
    2. Kazan Volga Region Federal Universit
  • Issue: Vol 4, No 1 (2015)
  • Pages: 55-59
  • Section: Articles
  • URL:
  • ID: 22164
  • Retraction date: 19.09.2017
  • Retraction reasons description:

    Частичное дублирование статьи Гайсина М.И. «Педагогический мониторинг эколого-экономического образования учащейся молодежи», опубликованной в журнале «Образование и саморазвитие» Т. 1. №3 2007 г., что нарушает «Этические правила, относящиеся к публикациям в журналах и к рецензиям на них», утвержденные Положением о научном журнале «Самарский научный вестник».
    Инициатор: Редакционная коллегия.

    Протокол заседания редакционной коллегии.

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This article describes the succession problems of ecological and economic education among students of comprehensive secondary schools and vocational schools. Ecological and economic problems of education were considered in the natural geographic study in out-of-class time in secondary and grammar schools of Kazan. Moreover, those problems were examined in supplementary education establishments of Republican ecological and biological methodical center controlled by Ministry of Education and Science. The author carried out continuous ecological and economic education state monitoring of students in secondary schools of Kazan, Naberezhnye Chelny, Nizhnekamsk and Almetyevsk, Apastovo, Kukmorsk, Leninogorsk, Mamadysh and other municipal districts of Tatarstan. The work on ecological and economic education is conducted through holding elective courses, various sections and associations, scientific societies for students, groups and clubs, ecological camps, school forestries, training and test sites , etc. In educational institutions of secondary and higher vocational education also considerable attention is devoted to the problems of ecological and economic education. Following elective courses and electives have been developed for students of colleges: "Economy and Nature Management", "Ecological and economic features of the region", "Geography and economy of Tatarstan". A variety of elective courses and extracurricular activities of environmental and economic content was introduced to the educational process for students and masters in the institutes and departments of natural science in KVRFU, Naberezhnye Chelny ISPTR, KIFEI, KSTU. For example, such as "Ecological and economic culture", "Ecological and economic features of cities in RT", "Ecological and economic problems of the Volga Federal District "and others.

About the authors

Renat Ilgizarovich Gaisin

Kazan Volga Region Federal University

Author for correspondence.

Candidate of Pedagogical Sciences, senior lecturer at the Department of Theory and Methods of Geographic and Ecological Education

str. Kremlyovskaya, 18, Kazan, 420008, Tatarstan, Russia

Ziia Saraçoglu

Kazan Volga Region Federal Universit


post-graduate student at the Department of Theory and Methods of Geographic and Ecological Education

str. Kremlyovskaya, 18, Kazan, 420008, Tatarstan, Russia


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Copyright (c) 2015 Gaisin R.I., Saraçoglu Z.

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