Bey-Bulat Taymiev as an outstanding military and political figure of Chechnya in the first quarter of the XIX century

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This paper analyzes the political and military situation prevailing in Chechnya at the end of XVIII - the first quarter of the XIX century. The authors note that the crisis of the military-political situation in Chechnya occurred after a number of regions and countries of the Caucasus joined Russia in the early XIX century. The establishment of effective control over the unconquered mountain people converted from a purely «border» problem into a strategic task for the tsarism. This task was given to General A.P. Yermolov who paid all his attention to the left wing (which included Chechnya) of the Caucasian line and Chechnya became a priority of his policy. A.P. Yermolov immediately began to carry out a rigid policy towards the mountaineers, the aim of frequent punitive expeditions was to intimidate the Chechens. A.P. Yermolov’s policy gradually led to the consolidation of different Chechen communities, primarily divided into clans and tribes. This rigid policy of the Caucasian Chechen governor in 1825 raised uprising. Bay-Bulat Taymiev headed this movement. In this connection the paper also explores the uprising of Bay-Bulat Taymiev in 1825-1826, the causes and nature of the movement of mountaineers, analyzes the causes of the defeat and the result of the uprising. The authors assess the role and significance of Bay-Bulat Taymiev in the history of Chechnya.

About the authors

Rustam Аlhazurovich Tovsultanov

Chechen State University


candidate of history sciences, associate professor of Modern and Contemporary History Department

Russian Federation, 364907, Grozny, Sheripova street, 32

Lilia Nadipovna Galimova

Ulyanovsk Institute of Civil Aviation named after chief Marshal of aviation B.P. Bugaev

Author for correspondence.

doctor of history sciences, associate professor, professor of Humanities and Social Sciences Department

Russian Federation, 432071, Ulyanovsk, Mozhaisky street, 8/8


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Copyright (c) 2016 Tovsultanov R.А., Galimova L.N.

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