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The most important condition in the modern school education is to improve the motivation to study the Russian language. The motivation development mechanisms are considered in the works by Russian methodists and in the works of modern scientists. The author analyzes the modern state of the problem and proposes ways to improve student’s motivation. The base of internal and external motivation to study the Russian language is laid in the early adolescence. The base for efficient forming of motivation are curiosity, resourcefulness, the need of communication with peers, leadership development, individual mindset, creativity, characteristic for this age. It is stressed in the article that the rising motivation methods used by teacher must interact with the test material, comply with the educational goals and tasks, and reflect the correlation of all language elements. Active work forms of pupils at all stages of the lessons are very efficient in stimulating students' interest in the cognitive process. The initial stage of the lesson is particularly important for this. It is recommended to conduct using the intellectual training for overcoming the stereotype mentality. The author details the organization of linguistic training in the form of the game "find the fourth extra word". All the possible answers are analyzed, the correlation of tasks with a specific theme and previously studied material is examined. The offered method of lesson construction assists in developing the creative initiative of students, using the competitiveness, which is important for this age, improving communication skills, regulating the self-esteem during the educational process. All noted things become the important mean of increasing motivation to study the Russian language.

About the authors

Marina Anatolyevna Bondarenko

Academy of Labor and Social Relations

Author for correspondence.

Candidate of Pedagogical Sciences, Professor at the Department of Russian Language

st. Lobachevskogo, 90, Moscow, 119454, Russia


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