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The article shows the role of teaching analysis of the text with regard to its intertextual relations in shaping students’ interpretation activities. Intertextuality refers to the properties of texts to form links between them, through which the texts (or parts of them) may in many diverse ways, either implicitly or explicitly refer to each other. The concept of "intertextuality" can be defined as two types of interaction between texts in the common space of world culture: the interaction between the structures of texts, genres, themes, stylistic features, the interaction of the type "text inside text”: partial inclusion of already known texts in the content of the new text in the form of borrowing, epigraph, imitation, parody, allusion, hint, citations. During intertextual analysis, the researcher finds that the original text in a new text is transformed. Recognition of intertextuality as one of the dominant categories leads to the recognition of the semantic openness of the text, and the necessity of its inclusion in the broader cultural space. On the understanding of the intertextual relations are based to a certain extent, one of the tasks of the Unified state examination; a school leaver should be able to see the common problems of texts and use a reference to his well-known story, the episode, the image of the characters, the author's idea as an argument. Contemporary students’ limited reading horizons do not always let them draw a parallel between the problems of two or more texts, and the study of intertextual relations is not part of literature and Russian language syllabus. The author of the article defines the types of tasks and questions for the planned analysis.

About the authors

Elena Svyatoslavovna Bogdanova (Simakova)

Ryazan State University named for S. Yesenin

Author for correspondence.

candidate of pedagogical sciences, associate professor of the department of Teaching Humanities and Natural Sciences

390000, 46, Svobody Street, Ryazan, Russia


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