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It is now recognized that there are two types of inserted constructions: unconstructive and constructive type. The former can be linked to the basic statement by grammatical and lexical means, the latter are considered to be isolated from it. We suppose that the unconstructive insertions are also associated with the basic statement, but mainly by dint of lexical and lexical-grammatical means, and we check it on specific material. The analysis showed that there were found means of communication with the context - usually narrow (statement in which the insert exists), less often wider (the dialogue replica, complex syntactic whole) in the vast majority of the inserts used in the novels of I.S. Turgenev of 1850s. The constructive inserts dominate in the researched works and therefore the grammatical means (conjunctions, introductory words, structural incompleteness) are rarely used for communication with the main statement. Often various lexical means serve this purpose, including lexical and paradigmatic repetitions; words-realia that belong to one situation or are correlated otherwise in their sense; words included in one thematic group; paronyms; categorematic words that reveal the real meaning of asemantic pronouns or words with a broad abstract meaning; words with a broad abstract meaning summarizing the content of the preceding statements. The most frequent communication means of inserted units with the context are lexical-grammatical ones - pronouns and pronominal adverbs, as well as their combination with categorematic words. Several communication means with the context are used in many inserts.

About the authors

Irina Yakovlevna Balyagina

Samara State Academy of Social Sciences and Humanities

Author for correspondence.
Email: BalyaginaI@mail.ru

Candidate of Philological Sciences, Associate Professor at the Department of Russian language, standards of speech and methods of their teaching

str. Antonova-Ovseenko, 26, Samara, 443090, Russia


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