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To develop a methodological system of teaching composition writing in senior school a teacher should employ academic and methodological principles of training students’ coherent skills - writing skills important for speech and communication. It is considerable that students should know the requirements and the most frequent errors in peers’ works. Taking these factors into consideration will be of help for teachers in overcoming difficulties in the process of developing students’ communicative skills and providing them with functional literacy. Programs on the Russian language are aimed at work on speech development that results in students’ communicative competence development. Developing coherent speech means teaching students to perceive and create communicative texts. It is the main features of the text, text genres and their compositional forms, functional and stylistic varieties that serve the basis for students’ universal communicative learning skills development. In this aspect, a composition plays a very important role, because when creating it, students reveal their inner world, build their own worldview and identify their interests, develop their abstract thinking. Professional training for writing a composition introduces the cultural and historical experience of the mankind, reveals the spiritual legacy of Russian culture, contributes to personality socialization. Work on texts created by the great classics first and students’ ones afterwards leads to philological competence development. Practising composition writing is of importance in speech development. This is a specific type of work the essence of which is creating an independent text on the given or free topic.

About the authors

Lyudmila Viktorovna Arteshina

Samara State Academy of Social Sciences and Humanities

Author for correspondence.

Candidate of Pedagogical Sciences, associate professor of Department of the Russian Language, Speech Standards and Their Teaching Methodology, Faculty of Philology

Russia, Samara 443090, Antonov-Ovseyenko Str., 26


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