Trophic behavior strategy of phytophagous insects (an example of leaf beetles Coleoptera, Chrysomelidae)

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The feeding behavior and feed spectra of the active life phases (imago and larvae) of 25 background species of leaf beetles (Coleoptera, Chrysomelidae) were studied in Samara region during 1974-2014. The analysis of trophic relationships members of these insects associated with about 400 species of higher (angiosperms) plants from 50 families and 2 classes is interesting not only in terms of their agricultural value, but also when considering bioecology issues (clarification of possible contacts of the organism with the environment). The strategy of the feeding behavior of phytophagous is a complex, which includes 20 episodes of behavioral responses, focuses on the search and acquisition of food and requires choosing the right direction of the influences. Food specialization provides (in order to avoid competition between types of consumers) the existence a rich assortment of food resources and different ways of their use (herbivore and detritivore, optional - food pollen and predation, cannibalism - only 8 types). There are two groups of plants consumed by phytophagous. They are basic (normally developing larvae and imago) and additional (used by imago in unfavorable periods) plants. The search for insect food consists of three types of reactions. They are distant (coarse and fine setting) and contact reactions. Agricultural importance of leaf beetles is determined by not only damage to plants, but also the action stimulating the productivity of phytocoenosis.

About the authors

Sergey Ivanovich Pavlov

Samara State University of Social Sciences and Education

Author for correspondence.

candidate of biological sciences, associate professor of Biology, Ecology and Methods of Teaching Department

Russian Federation, 443090, Samara, Antonov-Ovseenko street, 26


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Supplementary files

Supplementary Files
2. Figure 1 - Box of 5 sections (designed by A.V. Lavrin), in which we set up experiments to study the trophism of leaf beetles (in the foreground - inlet vestibule) (photo by S.I. Pavlov)

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3. Figure 2 - An iris leaf beetle larva feeding on cattail juices; the respiratory claw (at the posterior end of the body) is immersed in the air vessel (shown by the dotted line) of the plant (Fig. S.I. Pavlov)

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4. Figure 3 - Beetle Cryptocephalus sericeus L., knocking down a stamen and preparing to eat pollen, on a large celandine flower (photo by O.V. Pavlova)

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5. Figure 4 - Beetle Cryptocephalus bipunctatus L. eating pollen "grains" of a steppe cherry flower (photo by S.I. Pavlov)

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6. Figure 5 - Distant searches (forward, extended antennas are visible) by the Donacia marginata Hoppe beetle. the main fodder plant (photo by V.N. Makarenkov)

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7. Figure 6 - Viburnum leaf "perforated" by Pyrrhalta viburni Payk beetles. (photo by S.I.Pavlov)

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8. Figure 7 - Mass accumulation (up to 250 individuals) of adults of 2 species of cruciferous flea beetles and their damage on a sheet of horseradish (photo by O.V. Pavlova)

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9. Figure 8 - "Chains" of bites of the beetle Donacia dentata Hoppe., Made during feeding, on the surface of a leaf of a marsh ditty (photo by V.N. Makarenkov)

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Copyright (c) 2016 Pavlov S.I.

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