The impact of modern transformations of the infrastructure of the city of Samara on the breeding biology of the sparrowhawk

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Since 1997, we watched the birds of prey that lived in the Samara city, and found that the most numerous and widespread in these conditions is a Sparrow hawk. During this time, the number of this type birds of increase. Now it is we value it more than 50 pairs. In urban environments, many hawks inhabit the typical places for them - woodland area of more than 1 hectare, where a lot of young trees. Not only the natural forests but artificial too. In the last 5-7 years there has been a tendency to breed hawks in atypical for their groves with a very small area in the densely populated areas of the city. In 2016, we found Sparrow hawk’s nest in a grove near the geographical center of the Samara city. Area trees no more than 0,5 hectares, it is 50 meters from the road, and 5 meters from the curb. But here the hawks successfully grow brood. 3 young hawks are haking in the and of nesting (2 females and 1 male). Thus, despite the active cultivation and development of forest parks and vacant lots in the Samara city, carried out in recent years, sparrow hawks, are here in the first place, the optimum feeding conditions, showing almost all adaptive capacity to adjust to changing conditions.

About the authors

Ivan Sergeevich Pavlov

Samara branch of Russian Bird Conservation Union

Author for correspondence.

candidate of biological sciences, deputy chairman

Russian Federation, 443090, Samara, Antonov-Ovseenko street, 26

Vladimir Nicolaevich Makarenkov

Children Art School #2



Russian Federation, 443090, Samara, Zavodskoe chaussee, 40


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Supplementary files

Supplementary Files
2. Figure 1 - Sparrowhawk nest. Two chicks in the second downy plumage are visible (photo by V.N. Makarenkov)

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3. Figure 2 - 2 chicks in the nest. Through the down, the darker "hemp" of feathers are clearly visible (photo by V.N. Makarenkov)

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4. Figure 3 - An adult female sparrowhawk on a nest with chicks. Feeding process (photo by V.N. Makarenkov)

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5. Figure 4 - Fledgling sparrow left the nest with not yet mature plumage. Young female (photo by I. S. Pavlov)

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6. Figure 5 - The cages for the first time after leaving the nest are kept in close proximity to it. Young male (photo by I.S.Pavlov)

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7. Figure 6 - The remains of a black swift found under the nest of a sparrowhawk. The decapitated corpse of a young bird (photo by I.S.Pavlov)

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Copyright (c) 2016 Pavlov I.S., Makarenkov V.N.

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