Succession and features distribution plant associations in row of railways

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ROW is a specific man-made landscape, in which the processes of change occur in its direction and intensity. Erosion processes, in particular the processes of water erosion of soil, lead not only to changes in the soil, but the plant through changes in soil fertility, nutrient richness, and by changing moisture exchange, structure and texture of soils. The main characteristics of flora undergo structural, quantitative and other changes. Vegetation characteristics, composition of plant associations, the speed and direction of succession, from the initial stage of overgrown weeds and ruderal vegetation to sustainable tree and shrub communities also modify. An ecological and geomorphological zoning shows the prevalence of the most eroded soils in the vicinity of the web. The regularity according to which in most habitats anthropogenic disturbed grow motley-grass-wheatgrass association with a reduction of anthropogenic load becomes dominant forb meadow-grass association. The role of indication of Eletrygia repens L. was also identified as an indicator of habitat disturbance.

About the authors

Nikolay Alexandrovich Nikitin

Samara State University of Social Sciences and Education

Author for correspondence.

postgraduate student of Biology, Ecology and Methods of Teaching Department

Russian Federation, 443090, Samara, Antonov-Ovseenko street, 26

Vera Valentinovna Solovieva

Samara State University of Social Sciences and Education


doctor of biological sciences, professor of Biology, Ecology and Methods of Teaching Department

Russian Federation, 443090, Samara, Antonov-Ovseenko street, 26


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Supplementary files

Supplementary Files
2. Figure 1 - Succession of plant associations in the conditions of the railway right-of-way

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3. Figure 2 - Schematic map of the ecological-geomorphological and geobotanical zoning of the investigated sections of the right-of-way of the Kuibyshev railway

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Copyright (c) 2016 Nikitin N.A., Solovieva V.V.

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