Integrative training of engineer in globalized world

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In this article we consider an integrative training of the engineer in the globalized world. On the basis of the analysis of the international division of labor and interaction in the field of equipment and technologies which the modern engineer faces, we note the necessity of effective interaction of the international teams. We come to light the problem of insufficient level of training of engineers within the modern higher technical education which is differing in own specifics in the different countries, where education is focused on the regional level of training of specialists. It is noted that the international activity based on the international division of labor demands global training of engineers. The analysis of publications concerning global competence, the analysis of determination of cross-cultural competence, and also the analysis of requirements of the international accreditation agencies allows to select four main characteristics of globally competent engineer: to take into account ethnic aspects of society, the nature and safety; to understand the profession and technical aspects in a global context; to be able to work in interdisciplinary and international teams; to be able to carry on dialogue in a cross-cultural and international context. The conducted research has shown that the selected characteristics are integrative qualities of the personality and the engineer who possesses such characteristics will be able to represent the country at the international level adequately and to work at an innovative factory. As a solution of the problem of modern engineers training authors offer formation of global competence of the engineer due to integrative approach in education.

About the authors

Tatyana Alexandrovna Starshinova

Kazan National Research Technological University

Author for correspondence.

candidate of pedagogical sciences, associate professor of the Chair of Engineering Pedagogic and Engineering Psychology

Russian Federation, Kazan

Olga Alexandrovna Larionova

Kazan National Research Technological University


postgraduate student of the Chair of Engineering Pedagogic and Engineering Psychology

Russian Federation, Kazan

Renat Salyahovich Saifullin

Kazan National Research Technological University


 doctor of technical sciences, professor of the Chair of Technologies of Inorganic Substances and Materials

Russian Federation, Kazan


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Copyright (c) 2016 Starshinova T.A., Larionova O.A., Saifullin R.S.

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