Barrow with «moustache» Zhamahtas

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The monument consists of two parts – burial construction with the diameter of about 14 m and ritual construction located on its east side with the diameter of 10 m from which two stone arches go to the east. The elements of the complex are badly damaged due to using the stones for building. There is a burial pit under the south construction with the dimensions 2,8×1,4×1,4 m, which contains disturbed human skeleton. The skeleton was put with his head to the west. There was found a bronze mirror with side handle near his hip bone. In the east construction a round pit with the diameter of 0,8, the depth of 0,4, was found, at the bottom of which there were poorly preserved fragments from the tubular bones of a animal. Horse teeth were revealed to the north of the pit, and 14 fragments of the stucco vessel lay on its eastern side. Two radiocarbon dates were obtained from bone samples from the western and eastern constructions in the laboratory of the Royal University of Belfast, Great Britain. Common intervals of the calibrated value showed that: human burial in the western structure – VIII–V centuries BC, the bones of animals in the eastern structure – III–VI centuries AD. Thus, human burial relates to Tasmola culture, which does not contradict the mirror of the Early Saka image found in the grave. Bones of animals under the eastern structure, iprobably, were left during the Hun period.

About the authors

Arman Ziyadenovich Beisenov

A.Kh. Margulan Institute of Archaeology

Author for correspondence.

candidate of historical sciences, head of Prehistoric Department

Kazakhstan, Almaty

Daniyar Bolatbekovich Duisenbay

A.Kh. Margulan Institute of Archaeology


researcher of Prehistoric Department

Kazakhstan, Almaty

Svetlana Vladimirovna Svyatko

Queen’s University Belfast


PhD, researcher of 14Chrono Center for Climate, the Environment and Chronology

United Kingdom, Belfast


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Supplementary files

Supplementary Files
2. Figure 1 - Map of the location of the monument

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3. Figure 2 - Mound with "mustache" Zhamantas. 1 - burial under the western embankment (plan, section), and - the position of the mirror; 2 - bronze mirror; 3 - fragments of pottery from the eastern embankment

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4. Figure 3 - Photo. Burial

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Copyright (c) 2017 Beisenov A.Z., Duisenbay D.B., Svyatko S.V.

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