Some results of petrographic studies of ceramics from the settlement Toksanbay

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The research is devoted to the studies of raw materials and molding masses of ceramic products from the settlement Toksanbay. The purpose of the research was to study the technological aspects taking place in the course of ceramic vessels production, as well as in-depth study of the raw materials and molding masses of pottery ceramics of the settlement. During the research of samples, in addition to petrographic analysis, fragments of ceramics were studied using the binocular microscopy method, chemical experiments were carried out (using a micromethod) with the use of ammonium molybdenum, hydrochloric acid, and microenacts were checked for iron in the composition of the crock. The received result revealed that as the raw material ferruginous clay was used, and the chemical reaction to Fe of all fragments turned out to be positive. The original clay contains sand, besides this, sand feldspars, fragments of sandstones, silicified schists and epidote are noted in the sand composition. Three recipes of molding masses were revealed. The organics is stated in the form of silicified voids. The composition of organic matter showed carbonate-siliceous or carbonate-phosphate. The microreaction analysis using ammonium molybdenum (МоН4)2АmО4 determined the presence of a phosphate type in organic samples. From the organic fillers, a part of the studied samples revealed hollows of round and oval shape from the burnt organics. The study of the pottery of the settlement will be continued but it can be argued that the Toksanbay potters used local clay, and the most common impurity was organogenic limestone.

About the authors

Irina Victorovna Shevnina

Kostanay State University named after A. Baitursynov

Author for correspondence.

researcher of Archaeological Laboratory

Kazakhstan, Kostanay

Tatyana Nikolaevna Loshakova

A.Kh. Margulan Institute of Archaeology


senior researcher

Kazakhstan, Almaty


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Supplementary files

Supplementary Files
2. Figure 1 - Settlement Toksanbay. Petrographic thin sections. 1 - a fragment of organic matter (relics of bryozoans); 2 - angularly rounded mica-siliceous-carbonate (calcareous) fragments (gruss); 3 - a grain of chamotte and a fragment of limestone with biomorphic organic matter (gruss); 4, 5 - fragments of organogenic limestone (multilayer shell walls of brachiopods and foraminifera) (gruss); 6 - cross-section of the ostracoda shell; 7 - quartz; 8 - fragment of the wall of the foraminifera shell

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3. Figure 2 - Settlement Toksanbay. Petrographic thin sections. 1 - a fragment of a brachiopod shell; 2 - brachiopod shell; 3, 4 - fragments of the carbonate composition of two-layer brachiopod shells and the wall of the foraminiferal shell (gruss); 5 - feldspar

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4. Figure 3 - Settlement Toksanbai. Petrographic thin sections. 1 - fragments of organogenic limestone and relics of microorganisms in it in a biomorphic state (gruss); 2 - fragments of organogenic limestone and relics of microorganisms in it in a biomorphic state (fragments of segments and crinoids (sea lilies)) (gruss); 3 - a fragment of sandstone of argillaceous-quartz-carbonate composition; 4, 5 - fragments of chamotte; 6, 7 - relict fragment of a valve of a brachiopoda in a fragment of limestone (gruss); 8 - small fragments of organic relics in cement (brachiopods, bryozoans, crinoids (sea lilies))

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