How to map submerged Stone Age sites using acoustics (some experimental results)

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A central problem for maritime archaeology has been to find survey methods that facilitate efficient and precise mapping of Stone Age sites on the seabed down to the lowest sea level (approximately – 140 m) during glacial periods, as well as sites embedded in sea-floor sediments. As predictive landscape modelling has proved to be inadequate for this task, a different approach based on direct detection is required. The observation of an acoustic phenomenon associated with man-made flint debitage – but not naturally cracked pieces of flint – has opened a window for development of an alternative and efficient direct mapping method. This paper discusses the development of the idea, as well as experimental documentation of the principle on which it is based. It includes a preliminary analysis of how far away on each side of the transducer flint debitage emits an acoustic response, and consequently the required distance between sailing lines for a comprehensive survey to be undertaken at a specific depth.

About the authors

Ole Grøn

University of Copenhagen

Author for correspondence.

researcher of Department of Geosciences and Natural Resource Management

Denmark, Copenhagen

Lars Ole Boldreel

University of Copenhagen


doctor, associate professor of Department of Geosciences and Natural Resource Management

Denmark, Copenhagen

Jean-Pierre Hermand

Université libre de Bruxelles


professor of Acoustics & Environmental Hydroacoustics Laboratory

Belgium, Brussels

Hugo Rasmussen

Danish Nitro-Electro



Denmark, Copenhagen

Antonio Dell’Anno

Università Politecnica delle Marche


doctor, associate professor of Department of Life and Environmental Sciences

Italy, Ancona

Deborah Cvikel

University of Haifa


doctor, researcher of Leon Recanati Institute for Maritime Studies

Israel, Haifa

Ehud Galili

Israel Antiquities Authority



Israel, Atlit

Bo Madsen

Museum of Eastern Jutland


candidate of sciences

Denmark, Randers

Egon Nørmark

Aarhus University


head of laboratory of Department of Geoscience

Denmark, Aarhus


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Supplementary files

Supplementary Files
2. Figure 1 – Prediction of the total pressure field resulting from the insonification of a flint blade embedded 5 cm into a cultural layer. The simulated acoustic source and hydrophone are placed above the seabed, symmetrically about the flint piece, with an incidence angle of 5°. The sea-floor model consists of thin layers of sand and mud overlying the cultural layer, a thin underlying sand layer and moraine substrate. The red curve is the returned signal spectrum with no flint embedded in the cultural layer, while the black curve is the spectrum with a flint blade embedded. The resonance frequency is 10,6 kHz.15 [7]

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3. Figure 2 – The 48 sailing lines at the experimental site off Skovshoved Harbour. The 12 m long blue line marks the position of the linear string of samples placed on the seabed. The six yellow rectangles mark the buoys used to control the boat’s approach to the target. Coordinates in UTM zone 33

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4. Figure 3 – Examples of the flint debitage samples placed on the seabed in the experiment. A – sample 1, B – sample 4, C – sample 6, D – sample 7

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5. Figure 4 – Record of significant acoustic haystack features at the submerged Stone Age site at Atlit-Yam, Israel

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6. Figure 5 – Line 38 cutting across the line of targets resulting in an acoustic response that is approximately 7 m wide at its base

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7. Figure 6 – Line 13 running parallel to the line of targets showing a difference in the height of the ‘haystack’ feature

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Copyright (c) 2017 Grøn O., Boldreel L.O., Hermand J., Rasmussen H., Dell’Anno A., Cvikel D., Galili E., Madsen B., Nørmark E.

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This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License.

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