The agrarian question in life of Western Kazakhstan society in the 19 – early 20 centuries

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The agrarian question is a very urgent problem in Kazakhstan. The following paper shows the history of struggle for land in 19–20 centuries. At those times Kazakhs were nomads. Tsarism carried some reforms and made the lands in the Kazakh steppe the property of the state. In Western Kazakhstan agriculture, cattle breeding, trade developed. In the Kazakh steppe agrarian transformation started. Nomads started to build permanent dwellings. These buildings were near the Russian peasants. Construction of railways led to the fact that the Kazakhs and Russian peasants sold bread at the markets near stations. Stolypin agrarian reform accelerated the process of agrarian transformation. Eventually, Western Kazakhstan entered into Russian market.

About the authors

Dmitriy Yakovlevich Frizen

Baishev University Aqtobe

Author for correspondence.

candidate of historical sciences, senior lecturer of the Chair of Social and Humanitarian Disciplines

Kazakhstan, Aktobe


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