Traditions of ceramic shape’s making and ornamentation for the population of Bronze Age of northern part of Volga-Ural: about domestic development direction

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The Volga-Urals population always took part in forming ceramic complexes of the Bronze Age. However the contribution they made to the genesis of the following traditions was unequal, differed in its extent and importance and was unequally revealed in technology, form making and decorating. All these factors could be traced the local specifics and particular artifacts. The neighboring population, especially the steppe one, was involved in the cooperation system, but the directions and intensity of contacts were corrected according to different factors and characteristics of the historic periods. The cooperation between the local and neighboring groups culturally close to each other was complicated by long distance communications, which resulted in drastic changes in some traditions, destabilization of skills at form making, emergence of some characteristics irrelevant to the previous times. It caused new cultural standards. The involvement of the northern Volga-Urals population in the system of long distance communications found its reflection in the wide expansion of traditions; especially in the early and late Bronze Age. The paper contains not only traditional typological results but also the results of special methods appliance of ceramic analysis: reveal of natural structure of forms, structural analysis of ornament, definition of the degree of proximity of ceramic complexes.

About the authors

Oleg Dmitrievich Mochalov

Samara State University of Social Sciences and Education

Author for correspondence.

doctor of historical sciences, rector, professor of the Chair of Domestic History and Archaeology

Russian Federation, Samara


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Supplementary files

Supplementary Files
2. Figure 1 - Scheme of development and correlation of ceramics of cultures of the Bronze Age of the steppe Urals

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3. Figure 2 - Scheme of development and correlation of cultures of the Bronze Age of the forest-steppe of the Volga-Ural interfluve

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Copyright (c) 2016 Mochalov O.D.

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