Results on absolute and relative chronology based on materials from the multi-layered settlement site of Veksa 3

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The relative chronology determines only the sequence of events, so preferences absolute chronology, which are used the natural-science methods. Due to the general lack of reliable dates and contextual information in the layers of the Stone Age, absolute chronology is still subject to discussion. As a result of many years of research work in the basin of the upper Sukhona identified key sites that are named Veksa. The exceptional importance of the Veksas complex is linkes with clearly stratigrafi, up to 3 m stratifications, with inclusions of the early Neolithic – Middle Ages cultural layers, which contributed to the creation of a relative chronology and allotment of typological complexes in their development. The joint Russian-German research that began in 2007 are aimed at multidisciplinary research of monuments. The methods used in the research on Veksa include the dating of AMC, isotope and archeochemical analyzes of different materials (bones, ceramics), of archeobotanyka, palynology, dendrochronology, reconstruction of landscape development, etc. The results obtained contribute to the creation of reliable chronological framework for the identification of cultural complexes and address a wide range of issues.

About the authors

Nadezhda Gennadievna Nedomolkina

Vologda State Museum-Preserve of History

Author for correspondence.

candidate of historical sciences, leading researcher of Funds Department

Russian Federation, Vologda

Henny Piezonka

Christian-Albrechts University of Kiel


doctor, junior professor of Anthropological Archeology Department of Institute of Prehistory and Early History

Germany, Kiel


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Supplementary files

Supplementary Files
2. Figure 1 - Veksa 3. Calibrated results of AMS radiocarbon dating of samples from the Neolithic layers, pit 1, 2015.

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