Neolithic complex of Kedroviy mys-1 site

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The paper contains the preliminary study results of multilayer site Kedroviy mys-1 on Lake Small Miassovo in the Southern Trans-Urals. The site which is a non-durable habitat of ancient population is fully investigated. No construction is revealed, but approximate contours of dwellings, probably of easy construction type of tepee with no trace were found by a planigraphy method. In the complex of finds which represents the era of stone and metal a group of artifacts of the Neolithic period in the history was found, the cultural identity and the relative chronology of the complex were established. Vessels of kozlovskaya, poludenskaya and boborykinskaya traditions were reconstructed, hence new data have been added to the complex of sources of the accumulated materials of Trans-Ural Neolithic, as it remains an urgent task for the Southern Trans-Urals, more sparsely represented by ceramics, and especially archaeologically intact vessels, compared with adjacent territories. The authors consider some methodological aspects of field research related to an attempt to highlight the stratigraphic and planigraphic intact of Neolithic layer that because of specific geomorphological conditions of the region is traditionally among the most difficult tasks of archaeological research in the mountain-forest zone of South Ural.

About the authors

Vadim Sergeevich Mosin

South-Ural Branch of Institute of History and Archaeology of Ural Branch of the Russian Academy of Sciences

Author for correspondence.

 doctor of historical sciences, director

Russian Federation, Chelyabinsk

Ekaterina Sergeevna Yakovleva

Archaeological Research Center



Russian Federation, Chelyabinsk


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Supplementary files

Supplementary Files
2. Figure 1 - Stone inventory of the Neolithic complex of the Kedrovy Mys-1 site

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3. Figure 2 - Ceramics of the Neolithic complex of the Kedrovy Cape-1 site

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Copyright (c) 2016 Mosin V.S., Yakovleva E.S.

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