Buildings of the late settlement stage site Serteya XIV: cultural attribution and possibilities of graphic reconstruction

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The lake settlement Serteya XIV (Velizhskiy district, Smolensk region, Russia), studied during the 1990s – the beginning of 21st century, was found to contain several different «habitation horizons» with finds and building remains dating from the Mesolithic to the Final Neolithic or Chalcolithic (9 – the 1st half of 2 Millennia cal. BC). Cultural layers of the settlement lie both within sandy coastal sediments and peaty part of the lake basin. The dwellings remains from the later stages of habitation are discussed in this paper. These include two buildings located on the sandy shore terrace and one in the peaty part of the site. During the excavations and initial find analysis these buildings were connected with the Middle and Late Neolithic. These conclusions were revised after the subsequent analyses of ceramic material and spatial distribution of different ceramic groups and other objects at the settlement, as well as obtaining a series of radiocarbon dating. The earliest of the dwellings was determined to belong to the Early Neolithic, to the final stage of Serteyskaya or the beginning stage of Rudnyanskaya archaeological culture (the 4th quarter of 6 Millennium cal. BC). Two different chronological phases were detected in the remains of the second building: the first one connected with the final stage of Rudnyanskaya archaeological culture (the end of 6 Millennium cal. BC), the second one with Usvyatskaya archaeological culture (the late 5–4 Millennia cal. BC). The third construction originally associated with Rudnyanskaya culture was confirmed to belong to the Final Neolithic/Chalcolithic (the 1st half of 2 Millennium cal. BC). Its date and cultural attribution have not been determined more precisely yet. The second important question of the present research concerns the possibilities to make graphic reconstruction of Stone Age buildings. As the cultural layers of most sites in the studied region are laid in sandy deposits, which do not preserve any organic materials or details of the buildings, all reconstructions have tentative character. Therefore, the building found in the peaty part of Serteya XIV is of great importance due to the preserved details of wooden construction. These materials provide additional information about the used tree species and the ways they were utilized in building activities.

About the authors

Irina Yurjevna Khrustaleva

State Hermitage Museum

Author for correspondence.

junior researcher of Eastern Europe and Siberia Archaeology Department

Russian Federation, Saint Petersburg


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Supplementary files

Supplementary Files
2. Figure 1-1 is a map of the region; 2 - plan of the location of the settlement of Sertey XIV (after: [5, fig. 2], with the additions of the author); 3 - view of the settlement area and the valley of the Nivnikovskaya lake basin from the southeast (photo by A.N. Mazurkevich)

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3. Figure 2 - 1 - building plan No. 557 [after: 2]; 2 - graphic reconstruction of building No. 557 (reconstruction by the author, drawing by V.P. Kolosov); 3 - ceramics of Serteiskaya and Rudnyanskaya early Neolithic culture, phases "c", "e", "d", from the filling of building No. 557

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4. Figure 3 - 1 - building plan No. 637 [after: 2]; 2 - ceramics typologically related to the ceramics of the steppe Eneolithic cultures

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5. Figure 4 - 1 - plan of building No. 8 at the level of yellow sand [after: 3]; 2 - ceramics of the Rudnyanskaya Early Neolithic culture from the floor level of building No. 8; 3 - plan of building No. 8 at the level of brown peat [after: 3]; 4–5 - Middle Neolithic ceramics from the filling of the upper level of building No. 8

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6. Figure 5 - 1-3 - topographic plan of the settlement of Serteya XIV with an indication of the location of buildings and the water level in the lake [after: 3, fig. 3, with additions by the author]; 4 - profile of the coastal slope with a schematic indication of the levels of the ancient daytime surface and water levels in the lake at different stages of habitation in the settlement. View from the northwest

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