Flint complex of the Mariupol burial ground

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The Mariupol burial ground is one of the largest Neolithic sites of Eastern Europe. The funeral complex consists of 124 burials many of which include rich grave goods. Flint artifacts, usually single plate-like flint knives, have been found in 40 graves. In burials there also were end and oval scrapers, microlithics, axes, triangular arrowheads with bilateral treatment. The industry has been based on squeezing plates of average size. Flint tools were selected specially for burial. Flint artifacts have only been found in graves with other grave goods. In some graves there were rather numerous congestions of flint tools – from 10 to 25 tools and their workpieces. In these backpack sets plates and tools made of them also prevail. Backpack sets of the Mariupol burial ground are divided into two types. The first type includes mainly unspecialized stone tools. Backpack sets of the second type consist of stone tools and household objects, i.e. jewelry made of bone, shells and stone, ochre. The trapezes and plates were used as arrowheads and their parts. Two flint axes with polished edges are found in one of the burials. The flint industry of the Mariupol burial ground is comparable to the industry of a Neolithic layer of the Kalmius settlement in Mariupol on the opposite right river bank. Probably, the burial ground has been made by residents of the settlement. Flint products are found both in male and in female burials.

About the authors

Alexander Victorovich Kolesnik

Donetsk National University

Author for correspondence.
Email: akolesnik2007@mail.ru

candidate of historical sciences, associate professor of the Chair of Historiography, Source Studies, Archeology and Methods of Teaching History

Russian Federation, Donetsk


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Supplementary files

Supplementary Files
2. Figure 1 - Mariupol burial ground. Flint articles: 1–5, A, B - burial XVII; 6–8, B - burial XVIII (after: [2])

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3. Figure 2 - Mariupol burial ground. Flint articles: 1–5, A - burial VI; 6–12, B - burial LXXXIV (after: [2])

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4. Figure 3 - Mariupol burial ground. Flint products: 1 - burial LVI; 2–3 - burial XV; 4–5 - burial XVI; A, B - burials XV and XVI; 6–7 - burials XXXIV-XXXVI; 8 - burial XXIX; B - burial LXXXIX (after: [2])

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