The ways of optimization of legal education in Russia

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The article reveals the problems that arise during the preparation of law specialists. Moreover, the increasing number of universities are not able to resolve the situation. The authors analyze the reasons of deterioration of the quality of law education. An attempt to identify gaps in the field of law education has been made, as only proper diagnosis of the disease allows you to select effective treatment. In order to reform law education, it is necessary to involve members of the community who will watch the process of the university optimization, establish contacts between the faculties and various organizations. It is necessary to be more exacting to the teaching staff. The core problem is a drop in the quality of secondary education. The reforms have had a negative impact on the educational process. The opportunity to graduate for a fee leads to a further devaluation of education, to the unprecedented scale of corruption in educational institutions, to the rapid increase in the number of low-grade law schools and faculties producing ignoramuses with lawyer diplomas from year to year. Unjustified multiplication of the university branches has not led to either an increase in competition between them or to improvement of the quality of law education in our country. A serious drawback in preparation of future lawyers is a lack of attention to the practical aspect of the training, as a result, having textbook knowledge only, the students getting down to real work experience a kind of inferiority complex. Ways of optimization of legal education aresuggested.

About the authors

Pati Kazihanovna Ramazanova

North Caucasus Institute (Branch) of Russian State University of Justice

Author for correspondence.

candidate of philological sciences, associate professor, head of the Chair of Humanitarian and Socio-Economic Disciplines

Russian Federation, Makhachkala

Zumhurizhat Abdullaevna Gadjiyeva

North Caucasus Institute (Branch) of Russian State University of Justice


candidate of philological sciences, associate professor of the Chair of Humanitarian and Socio-Economic Disciplines

Russian Federation, Makhachkala


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Copyright (c) 2016 Ramazanova P.K., Gadjiyeva Z.A.

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