Material culture of the end of the VI mill. - first half of the V mill. BC in the Upper Western Dvina River basin

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Rudnyanskaya culture was distinguished based on materials found on a stratified site Rudnya Serteyskaya (NW Russia, serteysky archaeological microregion) in 1983–1987. It existed from the end of the VI mill BC to the beginning of the V mill BC, after ceasing of the first Neolithic ceramic traditions in Dnepr-Dvina region. Pottery assemblage was divided into three ceramic phases d, d-1 and e. They cannot be regarded as one single cultural phenomenon due to differences in technology, morphology and decor of vessels. Analogies in pottery, flint and bone assemblage can be traced within the sites of Lubana region (Zvidze, Osa). We might suppose that vectors of cultural interactions changed at the end of the VI mill BC, and a former cultural network was destroyed. However rudnyanskaya culture differs a lot from Narva culture described by N.N. Gurina due to technological, morphological and decor characteristics. Local and local-chronological variants were distinguished on the territory of Narva culture distribution. Rudnyanskaya culture can be supposed to be one of these cultural phenomenons existed within a large common cultural area.

About the authors

Andrey Nicolaevich Mazurkevich

State Hermitage Museum

Author for correspondence.

senior researcher, general curator of Eastern Europe and Siberia Archaeology Department

Russian Federation, Saint Petersburg

Ecaterina Vladimirovna Dolbunova

State Hermitage Museum


candidate of historical sciences, junior researcher of Eastern Europe and Siberia Archaeology Department

Russian Federation, Saint Petersburg


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Supplementary files

Supplementary Files
2. Figure 1 - Stratigraphy of the Rudnya Serteiskaya site [according to 2] indicating the dates obtained from the layers containing the materials of the Early Neolithic Serteiskaya culture (phase "a") (1) and the Rudnyanskaya culture (2)

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3. Figure 2 - Fragments of earthen vessels of phase "d" (Rudnya Serteyskaya settlement) with indication of traces left during surface treatment (1a, 3a) and types of fastening tapes / flaps (1b, 2b, 3b)

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4. Figure 3 - Fragments of clay vessels of phase "d-1" (1–2, 4, 6 - item Serteya XIV; 3 - item Usvyat II; 5 - item Rudnya Serteyskaya) with indication of traces left during surface treatment (1a , 6a), and places of joining of tapes (1b, 3b, 6b)

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5. Figure 4 - Fragments of earthen vessels of phase "d-1" (1 - Rudnya Serteyskaya; 2 - Serteya XIV) with indication of the traces left during the processing of the outer (1c) and inner surfaces (1b), and the places of joining the tapes ( 1a, 2a-b)

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6. Figure 5 - Fragments of earthen vessels of phase "e" (1-4 - Uzmen village)

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7. Figure 6 - Pottery of the Narva culture from the territory of Estonia (1 - item Narva Joaorg 2; 4 - item Vihasoo III [9]) and Latvia (3–8 - item Zvidze [6])

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Copyright (c) 2017 Mazurkevich A.N., Dolbunova E.V.

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