The structure and content of the professional physical culture of the personality

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The primary factor of the development of society, production of its culture is the reproduction of a full-fledged personality combining adoption of socio-cultural values and commitment to their transformation and translation into social practices, primarily practices in professional activity, to the greatest extent responsible for creating material, spiritual and artistic values of culture. Such a large-scale (in time and qualitative senses) transformation of personality «through culture» and «for culture» in connection with professional activities and biosocial nature of personality in the aggregate determine the involvement of the values of professional physical culture (PPC). Mainly with their use the harmonious development of biosocial starts of personality is provided, also the system of its motor and personal needs and abilities in accordance with the specificity of professional activity in relation to the formation of specific and integrated personal experiences-professional physical culture of personality (PPCP), optimal and typical professional level of which is the factor and prerequisite of the quality of socialization, the process of filling in the values of the culture; a reflection of the quality of higher and secondary professional education. According to modern concepts the components of professional physical culture of personality and its chief characteristics are : physical (optimal physical development, applied motor fitness (psychomotor sphere), physical adaptation); cognitive-intellectual (theoretical preparedness in the sphere of PPC, the state of professionally significant mental processes); axiological (the value orientation in the sphere of PPC and system of social values); physical activity (motives and needs, involvement in profiled sports activities and instructor activities in it). The main features of formation of each of the identified components of PPCP are also presented.

About the authors

Sergey Semenovich Korovin

Orenburg State Pedagogical University

Author for correspondence.

doctor of pedagogical sciences, professor of the Chair of Theory and Methodology of Sport Disciplines, Adaptive Physical Culture and Biomedical Bases of Physical Education

Russian Federation, Orenburg


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Supplementary files

Supplementary Files
2. Figure 1 - The structure of the professional physical culture of the individual

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