Improvements in the formation of econometric knowledge at training of bachelors - teachers of economic profile

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The concept of modernization of Russian education raises the question about necessity of introduction of profile training to improve and develop the school system of education. It is important that the implementation of ideas to improve education a priority is the presence of expert teachers to work in specialized classes. One of the most difficult is to educate students to work in classrooms socio-economic profile. Future teachers enrolled in the profile "Economics", must use economic, mathematical and econometric methods in solving socio-economic issues, to know the achievements of world economic thought, have a General mathematical culture. To achieve these goals in higher education is taught econometrics. It is an interdisciplinary science, it is based on mathematical and economic knowledge. Over the past 40 years there has been a rapid development of econometrics as a scientific discipline. As evidence of international recognition and importance was the awarding of the Nobel prize in Economics for outstanding research in the field of econometrics scholars such as Ragnar Frisch and Jan Tinbergen, James Heckman and Daniel McFadden. It should be noted that all econometric methods are used more in different publications and studies. To econometrics deeply penetrate the latest information technologies and mathematical methods. Econometrics students, teachers of economic profile has a positive effect on the cognition of the world and the absorption of various knowledge, since the mathematical language is universal and the one who knows how to use it successfully will be able to apply their knowledge in various fields of science and industry. The article is devoted to the improvement of the formation of econometric knowledge at training of bachelors-teachers of economic profile.

About the authors

Yuri Valentinovich Zelepukhin

Samara State University of Social Sciences and Education

Author for correspondence.

candidate of technical sciences, head of the Chair of Economical Education

Russian Federation, Samara

Olga Yurievna Tsybina

Samara State University of Social Sciences and Education


senior lecturer of the Chair of Economical Education

Russian Federation, Samara


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Supplementary files

Supplementary Files
2. Figure 1 - The number of hours allocated for classroom work in the discipline "Econometrics"

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3. Figure 2 - Labor intensity of the discipline "Econometrics"

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4. Figure 3 - The ratio of economic and mathematical disciplines in the curriculum of bachelors-educators of economic profile in SGSPU

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5. Figure 4 - Dynamics of the level of knowledge in mathematics and the level of significance of mathematical disciplines for bachelor-teachers of economic profile

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6. Figure 5 - Students' use of mathematical knowledge in the study of specialized disciplines

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Copyright (c) 2016 Zelepukhin Y.V., Tsybina O.Y.

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