Some aspects of the everyday life of officials in the Russian Empire in the beginning of XX century (based on the «Vestnik chinovnika»)

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This article explains the necessity of studying the historical experience of the management organization of the Russian Empire. The article contains an analysis of the situation of contemporary historiography, which feature lies in the fact that it is necessary to study not only the degree of effectiveness of the mechanisms of power, but also the factors influencing it. Among these factors occupies an important place daily serving officials, their way of life, material security, way of life. The history of everyday life – a new branch of historical knowledge, the subject of study which is the sphere of human commonness of multiple historical, cultural, political and event-and religious-confessional contexts. The focus of the study of the history of everyday life repeating, «normal» and usual, design style and way of life of the members of different social classes, including emotional reactions to events and behavior motives. One of the main sources of this study advocates periodical «Vestnik chinovnika», which allows to understand the lifestyles of officials from the "inside." Analysis of this edition allows to draw conclusions about the limited salaries, lack of financial security, which is reflected in the number of employees malfeasance. The results can serve as a basis for further study of the factors influencing the efficiency of public administration and for the study of everyday regional officials.

About the authors

Alma Asylhanovna Ospanova

Orenburg State Pedagogical University

Author for correspondence.

postgraduate student of the Chair of history of Russia

Russian Federation, Orenburg


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