1890th prison reform implementation in the Orenburg Governorate

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This paper is about an implementation process of the 1890 law in the Orenburg province for organization of new regional structures of penitentiary management – provincial prison inspection and prison department of provincial board. Specifics of prison reform implementation in the region, the relation of the governor's power to emergence of new bureaucratic structures, features of interaction between the created governing bodies are considered as well as the place taken by representatives of prison administration in regional bureaucratic community after the reform implementation is determined. The conclusion is drawn that implementation of the 1890 law took place in the Orenburg province with essential regional features. Orenburg provincial inspection has been created later (1894) than in the Russian Empire in general because of prolonged implementation of judicial reform (1864) on the territory of the region. However this inspection became more influential than similar organizations in other regions of the Russian Empire as it has subordinated the prison department of the Orenburg provincial board and accumulated all main competences of the sphere of prison case. The status of the Orenburg provincial prison inspector was almost equal to the status of the vice-governor.

About the authors

Sergey Valentinovich Lyubichankovskiy

Orenburg State Pedagogical University

Author for correspondence.
Email: svlubich@yandex.ru

doctor of historical sciences, professor, head of the Chair of History of Russia

Russian Federation, Orenburg


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