Historical transformation of cities originality of Samara province in the second half of the XIX century

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The problem of historical cities formation is very relevant in recent years. The second half of the XIX century is a period of reforms in the Russian history, when many values were rethought. This historical period was a period of industrialization and urbanization, when a provincial city got its new development and prosperity. This paper is devoted to the historical development and transformation of the Samara province city in the second half of the XIX century. Every city of the Samara province passed a unique way of development during the study period and contributed to the development of the originality region. Both sides characterize the originality of the cities: economic and social. Economic uniqueness of the Samara province cities in the second half of the century was reflected in such indicators as: industrial production and development of trade relations (in the province there was a variety of places and forms of trade: fair, railway station and harbor). A social component of the originality of the region county town was made of the population characteristics: the number, class hierarchy, the mentality. Each element formed the uniqueness of the county towns as well as created a common image of industrial Russia.

About the authors

Julia Vasilievna Korneeva

Volga Region State University of Service

Author for correspondence.
Email: jullka55@yandex.ru

candidate of historical sciences, associate professor of the Chair of Tourism and Hotel Business

Russian Federation, Tolyatti


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