To the problem of classification of ecosystems of south-east Ukraine

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This work addresses modern approaches to the classification of ecosystems as a tool for understanding of their diversity and relation to geographical and environmental systemic factors, as well as for solving practical problems of conservation and rational management. A classification of ecosystems of south east Ukraine is given based on the dominant vegetation classification. The basis of classification is the division of ecosystems according to the type of macroecotope (watershed, gully, above flood-plain terrace, floodplain) and edaphotope (developed black soil, washed away black soil on rocky sandstone outcrops, shale, granite, marl, limestone, chalk, sandy and meadow soils). The basis for the division of ecosystems of the same level of each class is based on different features: topical, physionomic, edaphic, dynamic. Classification is based on hierarchical principle. The class of natural ecosystems with dominance of phanerophytes includes ecosystems of coniferous forests and deciduous forest ecosystems of nemoral type, represented mainly by lowland-watershed, gully (ravine) oakeries. The class of natural grass and shrub ecosystems is represented by wetland, grassland and extremely diverse steppe ecosystems. Both classes include ecosystems with different moistening, soil erosion and confinement to edafotopes, developed at the outcrops of different rock types. Class of anthropogenic ecosystems is outlined in general and needs more detailed study. We compiled a lists of formations and subformations of vegetation, belonging to of the lower hierarchy level ecosystems.

About the authors

Vladimir Mikhailovich Ostapko

Donetsk Botanical Garden

Author for correspondence.

doctor of biological sciences, deputy director

Ukraine, Donetsk

Oksana Mikhailovna Shevchuk

Nikita Botanical Garden - National Research Center of Russian Academy of Sciences


doctor of biological sciences, head of the Laboratory of Aromatic and Medicinal Plants

Russian Federation, Republic of Crimea, s. Nikita

Svetlana Anatolievna Prikhodko

Donetsk Botanical Garden


candidate of biological sciences, director

Ukraine, Donetsk


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Copyright (c) 2016 Ostapko V.M., Shevchuk O.M., Prikhodko S.A.

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