Dromos kurgans of the saka time on the Zharly River (Central Kazakhstan)

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The features of dromos kurgans of the early Saka time studied by the author in the cemeteries Nurken-2, Serekty-1, Kosoba in Central Kazakhstan are considered in the article. Unlike the materials received during the earlier studies by M.K. Kadyrbaev in 1950–1970, new data shows that the tradition of dromos graves was widespread in the region. On the basis of archaeological and radiocarbon data, dromos kurgans date back to the VIII–VI cc. BC. Studies have shown that they are primarily connected with the elite burials. Dromos kurgans are oriented to the east, south-east and in terms of size, layout, sections are of different types. Currently they are known in almost all habitats of the Kazakh culture having the early Saka shape, whose monuments were excavated in North, Central, East, South-East (Zhetysu) Kazakhstan, as well as in the East Aral Sea region. The author assumes that among all early Saka cultures of Kazakhstan dromos graves have been the most common throughout the different regions. According to the available materials, dromos graves appeared no later than VIII–VII centuries BC in the early Saka cultures of Kazakhstan. A little later, since VI c. BC, this tradition appeared in the monuments of Savromat and Sarmatian tribes in West Kazakhstan. For the early Saka cultures of Kazakhstan dromos tradition is associated with the culture of the preceding period – the period of the Late Bronze Age.

About the authors

Arman Ziyadenovich Beisenov

A.Kh. Margulan Institute of Archaeology

Author for correspondence.
Email: azbeisenov@mail.ru

candidate of historical sciences, head of the Prehistoric Department

Kazakhstan, Alma-Ata


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Supplementary files

Supplementary Files
2. Figure 1 - Map of dromos burials in the Zharly river basin. 1 - burial ground Nurken-2; 2 - burial ground Serekty-1; 3 - burial ground Nazar-2; 4 - a barrow with a "mustache" Nazar; 5 - Bakybulak burial ground; 6 - Kosoba burial ground

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3. Figure 2 - Burial ground Nurken-2, mound 1. Stone structure at the base of the embankment. a - tree

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4. Figure 3 - Burial ground Nurken-2, mound 2. Stone structure at the base of the embankment

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5. Figure 4 - Burial ground Nurken-2. Ceramics, stone graters, steles from mounds 1 and 2. 1 - a fragment of a grain grater from the mound of mound 1; 2 - fragment of the chime from the mound of mound 2; 3 - grain grater from the altar of mound 2; 4 - stele from the mound of mound 1; 5 - stele from the mound of mound 2; 6, 7 - ceramics from the mound of mound 1; 8 - ceramics from mound 2

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6. Figure 5 - Burial ground Nurken-2. Bronze plaque from the altar of mound 2

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7. Table 2 - Data of radiocarbon analysis of a sample from a tree from mound 2 of the Nurken-2 burial ground. Russian State Pedagogical University named after A.A. Herzen, M.A. Kulkova

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8. Figure 6 - Burial ground Serekty-1, mound 10. Plan, section. a - the boundaries of the burial discharge; b - ceramics. Layers designation: 1 - dark layer of turf and filling of the predatory manhole; 2 - loose yellow layer; 3 - soil blocks; 4 - highly mixed layer of filling the grave

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9. Figure 7 - Photo. Excavations of mound 10 of the Serekty-1 burial ground. View after removing the top layer

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10. Figure 8 - Photo. Burial ground Serekty-1, mound 10. Soil blocks in the embankment. In the center is a filled robbery hole

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11. Figure 9 - Photo. Burial ground Serekty-1, mound 10. Soil blocks

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12. Figure 10 - Burial ground Serekty-1, mound 10. 1 - burial pit, plan, section; 2 - iron product; 3 - bone crest; 4 - bronze arrowhead

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Copyright (c) 2016 Beisenov A.Z.

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