The results of the technical-technological analysis of Grenada camp ceramics (Central Kazakhstan)

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One of the problems in archaeology of Kazakhstan is the uneven study of the sites belonging to different epochs. For example, in Central Kazakhstan there is a clear bias towards the study of antiquities of the middle and late Bronze Ages, Early Iron Age and Middle Ages. The study of the Stone Age stopped since the 90-es of XX century, the Early Bronze Age is practically not investigated. This article publishes the results of technical-technological analysis of the ceramics of the Grenada camp (Karaganda, Kazakhstan) dated from the late Chalcolithic to the beginning of the Early Bronze Age. Author studied raw materials (three kinds), the clay paste composition (six recipes), the features of the design of the beginning (two programs) and the hollow body. The diversity of pottery traditions, marked for all levels of ceramic production, speaks of the heterogeneous composition of the camp population. The vessels belonged at least to two groups of different origin. Mixed recipes with gruss and grog in the presence of «pure» demonstrate this process of cultural mixing that took place within the camp. The conclusion is made that the materials of the Grenada camp, including the features of pottery traditions, reflect the complexity of the cultural-historical processes that have taken place in the territory of the Central Kazakhstan in the end of Chalcolithic – in the beginning of Early Bronze Age.

About the authors

Valeriy Grigoryevich Loman

Buketov Karaganda State University

Author for correspondence.

candidate of historical sciences, director of the Saryarka Archaeological Institute

Kazakhstan, Karaganda


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Supplementary files

Supplementary Files
2. Figure 1 - Parking Grenada. Ceramics

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3. Figure 2 - Parking Grenada. Ceramics

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Copyright (c) 2016 Loman V.G.

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