Structural features of local floor disturbed ecotops (on the example of the flora of railways)

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The work deals with the structural features of the local floras disturbed ecotopes as integral components of a higher rank flora. In this study, the local flora is disturbed ecotope, as a collection of species growing in a certain area, the degree of responsiveness to anthropogenic impacts structurally divided into elementary components, the selection of which is based on ecological and botanical features of the plants composing them. Since the three components were identified: locally depressed flora (localdepressive flora) lokalconstant flora (localconstantis flora), loсalplastic flora (localvariabilis flora) and loсalnokosmopolit flora (locallatos flora). All components are connected to each other and regularly rebuilt during changing environmental conditions when moving from one climate zone to another, as well as changes in the nature and degree of exposure. Depressive flora experiencing declining trend in the number of individuals or the complete disappearance under the influence of anthropogenic impact, constant flora, usually consists of a species capable of operating with a significant manifestation anthropogenic factor to maintain their characteristic features of growth; Plastic flora is represented by the largest number of species able to expand its range in the conditions of anthropogenic stress; cosmopolitan flora species is represented, actively propagating in the conditions of natural phytocenosis and under anthropogenic loads. Quantitatively cosmopolitans may exceed the plastic flora, but only on the number of individuals, but not the species.

About the authors

Nikolay Alexandrovich Nikitin

Samara State University of Social Sciences and Education

Author for correspondence.

postgraduate student of the Chair of Biology, Ecology and Methods of Teaching

Russian Federation, Samara


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