Anthropological aspect of the artificial skull deformation custom among the Middle Bronze Age population of the Lower Volga region

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This paper reviews an anthropological aspect of the artificial skull deformation which was practiced by the tribes of catacomb cultural-historical community of the Middle Bronze Age of the Lower Volga region and adjacent territories. Craniological series, numbering 207 skulls, was checked for the presence of deformation traces. 81 skulls had the traces of deformation, which is 35,2% of the total number. On average, the percentage of deformed skulls in some burial grounds of the catacomb culture of the Volgograd Region is about 17,0%, but there are a few burial grounds in craniological series where deformed skulls are absent. The type of deformation is identified as annular and frontal-occipital. The analysis of anthropological works of Russian and foreign authors as well as written sources allows to agree with the idea of A.V. Shevchenko that the custom of the skull deformation among the tribes of catacomb cultural-historical community penetrated through the cultural centers of Western Asia. The comparison of deformed and unstrained series of skulls showed that only signs of the cerebral box undergo a change under the influence of the deforming structure in most cases. The deforming effect of the structure on facial features is very weak. When the process of pressure is completed, the skull acquires a tower shape or a shape of a high cone.

About the authors

Mariya Afanasievna Balabanova

Volgograd State University

Author for correspondence.

doctor of historical sciences, professor of Russian and Foreign History and Archeology Department

Russian Federation, Volgograd


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Supplementary files

Supplementary Files
2. Figure 1 - The custom of artificial deformation on turtles of the Middle Bronze Age. 1 - skull of a man (over 50 years old) from burial 9 of mound 1 of the Pervomaisky VII burial ground (Inventory No. 17–89: VolSU); 2 - a skull of a man (20–30 years old) from burial 8 of mound 32 of the Avilovsky II burial ground (Inventory No. 2–59: VolSU); 3 - a skull of a man (25–30 years old) from burial 16 of mound 9 of the Tuzluki burial ground (in the photo on the left) and a skull of a man (over 50 years old) from burial 39 of mound 4 of the Zolotye Gorki burial ground (in the photo on the right) (Col. AIA and PM- H)

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3. Figure 2 - The custom of artificial deformation on the turtles of the late Sarmatian era. 1 - skull of a man (20–25 years old) from mound 6 of the Kovylnov III burial ground, (Inventory No. 160–5: VolSU); 2 - the skull of a woman (14-16 years old) from mound 4 of the Aksai I burial ground, (Inventory No. 30-103: VolSU)

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4. Figure 3 - KKIO children's skulls with traces of artificial deformation and the custom of artificial skull deformation among the Chinook and Mangbetu peoples. 1 - the skull of a child (6 months - 1 year old) from burial 8, mound 1 of the Mayorovsky burial ground (Inventory No. 50–5: VolSU); 2 - a skull of a child (6–6.5 years old) from burial 1 of a solitary mound at the Tikhonovka burial ground (Inventory No. 161–23: VolSU); 3 - the skull of a child (6–7 years old) from burial 3 of mound 1 of the Evstratovsky I burial ground, (Inventory No. 164–1: VolSU); 4 - photo of a woman with a child of the Mangbetu tribe; 5 - Painting by Paul Kane showing a woman with a deformed head and a Chinook child with a deformed design

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5. Figure 4 - Changes in the shape of the skull as a result of deliberate artificial deformation of the catacomb type

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