Food gathering and natural resources use evidence at the end of the Upper Paleolithic and Mesolithic period in the North-Western Caucasus (based on the Dvoinaya Cave and the Chygai Rockshelter materials)

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Complex studies of multi-layer Stone Age sites located in the foothills of the North-Western Caucasus (Gubs Gorge) made it possible to obtain fairly representative collections of archaeological materials including stone and bone artifacts and faunal remains, dating from the end of the Late Palaeolithic to Mesolithic and Eneolithic periods. Large concentrations of terrestrial gastropods Helix sp. shells were found in the Early and Late Mesolithic layers.

Complex studies of multi-layer Stone Age sites located in the foothills of the North-Western Caucasus (Gubs Gorge) made it possible to obtain fairly representative collections of archaeological materials including stone and bone artifacts and faunal remains, dating from the end of the Late Palaeolithic to Mesolithic and Eneolithic periods. Large concentrations of terrestrial gastropods Helix sp. shells were found in the Early and Late Mesolithic layers. These gastropods were the objects of collecting and probably composed a significant part of the primitive communities’ diet. Dvoinaya Cave and Chygai Rockshelter belong to series of synchronous Mediterranean, Levant and Zagros sites with large concentrations of grape snails in the late Upper Palaeolithic and Mesolithic layers. The data of the use-wear analysis of stone tools, micro-chemical and IR-spectroscopic analysis of the residues on the stone tools surfaces allow to conclude that the ancient inhabitants of the Gubs Gorge collected and processed various plant resources, including wood, grass fibers, resin of coniferous and fruit plants with the purpose of manufacturing and fastening of handles, frames and shafts of arrows. The river mollusks Theodoxus danubialis shells were used for making beads. More than 30 shells with punched or drilled holes were found in the lowest layer of the Dvoinaya Cave.

About the authors

Elena Viktorovna Leonova

Institute of Archaeology of Russian Academy of Sciences


candidate of historical sciences, researcher of Stone Age Archeology Department

Russian Federation, Moscow

Olesya Igorevna Uspenskaya

Institute of Archaeology of Russian Academy of Sciences

Author for correspondence.

candidate of historical sciences, researcher of Stone Age Archeology Department

Russian Federation, Moscow


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Supplementary files

Supplementary Files
2. Figure 1 - Shells of the terrestrial mollusk Helix spp. (grape snails) from the Late Mesolithic cultural layer of the Double Cave: 1 - shells of various sizes and colors with holes; 2 is a diagram of the location of the holes on the shells of Helix spp .; 3 is a field photograph of the stripping of an accumulation of shells of the terrestrial mollusk Helix spp.

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3. Figure 2 - A set of woodworking tools at Stone Age sites in the Gubsky gorge: 1 - photos of notched and notched-notched forms with traces of use as tools for softening plant fibers and working with herbaceous plants from the early Mesolithic cultural layer of the Double Cave; 2, 3 - photomicrographs of wear marks on notched tools; 4 - a fragment of a plate with traces of wear typical for the processing of herbaceous plants; 5 - photomicrograph of wear marks on the plate. The black dotted line in the photo of the tools indicates the microtrace zones; green arrows indicate the direction of movement of the tool in the process of work on the basis of linear microtraces; black arrows indicate the place of receipt of the photo of the traces of use, shown on the right. Each photomicrograph indicates the magnification (× 100 - 100 times; × 200 - 200 times)

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4. Figure 3 - Residues of organic origin (winding prints and fragments of glue) on the accommodating parts of geometric microliths from the Dvoinaya cave: 1 - photo of geometric microliths, black arrows indicate winding prints; 2, 3 - macro photo of the remnants of the winding and adhesive masses on the surface of geometric microliths; 4, 5, 6 - photomicrographs of the winding prints, the fibrous structure of the prints is visible at the micro level. Each micrograph indicates the magnification (× 50 - 50 times; × 100 - 100 times; × 200 - 200 times)

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5. Figure 4 - Shells of freshwater mollusks Theodoxus danubialis (Theodoxus fluviatilis?) And Lithoglyphus naticoides of various sizes and colors from the Upper Paleolithic cultural layer of the Double cave: 1-3, 5-10 - Theodoxus danubialis shells with 5 holes punched by man (shells 3 and unfinished drills left by a predatory mollusc; a hole in the shell 9 was punched through a drill previously made by a man); 4 - shell of Theodoxus danubialis without a hole; 11 - shell of Theodoxus danubialis with a drilled predatory mollusk (?) Hole; 12 - shell of Lithoglyphus naticoides with a hole punched by a man

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Copyright (c) 2018 Leonova E.V., Uspenskaya O.I.

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