Cross-disciplinary integration as a high intensity method of gifted students’ training

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The paper contains successful pedagogical experience of Samara State Technical University in the field of exceptional children’s advanced and accelerated training. On the basis of this experience possibilities of the advanced and accelerated training are analyzed. This kind of training is considered to be one of the most effective ways of gifted youth’s development. On the basis of the available theoretical and practical experience the authors note that technical universities with their multilevel structures of higher education can become very effective intellectual centers of the integrated systems of continuous education, including various educational institutions of pre-university and additional postgraduate training. The paper contains experience of an integrated educational system of continuous and differentiated (on abilities) education «School - HEI» in homogeneous groups. It is shown that training of gifted students in groups with equal mental capacities favorably influences their self-assessment and they in such situation should study wholeheartedly forces, feeling continuous stimulation from schoolmates. Characteristics of capacity of the academic college as the associated educational institution of the new type functioning on the basis of organizational and methodical merging of the university and school and at the same time being structural division of both founders are given as an example. It is noted that the considered models of structures of the integrated educational systems possess various degree of intensity of training, in communication with what rationing of average loading of students in the academic college acquires the special importance and relevance. Proceeding from the standard maximum permissible week educational loading of the young man caused by his psychophysiological opportunities, social conditions and cultural requirements the technique of her flexible rationing which efficiency is confirmed with long-term monitoring of the graduates of the academic college who have become subsequently successful scientists, inventors, experts is described.

About the authors

Nina Alexandrovna Timoschuk

Samara State Technical University

Author for correspondence.

candidate of philological sciences, associate professor, head of Psychology and Pedagogy Department

Russian Federation

Valentin Nicolaevich Mikhelkevich

Samara State Technical University


doctor of technical sciences, professor of Psychology and Pedagogy Department

Russian Federation

Elena Nicolaevna Ryabinova

Samara State Technical University


doctor of pedagogical sciences, professor of Higher Mathematics and Application-Oriented Informatics Department

Russian Federation


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Supplementary files

Supplementary Files
2. Figure 1 - Structure of the integrated system of continuous education "School - University" for advanced and accelerated education of gifted students

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