Mathematical training of prospective chemical branch engineers as an important factor of their professional training

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The paper deals with the problem of effective mathematical training of prospective chemical branch engineers. The chemical branch is one of the key branches of the Samara Region economy. The authors note that petrochemical enterprises need engineers who have sufficient all-professional and special knowledge, skills, as well as a high degree of professional mobility, able to react quickly and creatively to inquiries of dynamically changing practice; able to solve all range of production problems. The authors also note that the high level of professional competence of a chemical branch engineer is defined by the level of his/her mathematical knowledge. The authors reveal features of integral and differential calculus application for the solution of chemical tasks on the example of physical chemistry tasks. The authors suppose and prove that education process optimization and professional orientation of mathematical training in a technical college can be reached at the expense of such factors as: continuous mathematical training; modification of educational and methodical support; professional development of pedagogical staff; optimally structured content of mathematical disciplines by practice-focused tasks application intensification; motivation for mathematical disciplines independent study by students of a technical college; application of diagnostic techniques of students’ mathematical competence development.

About the authors

Natalia Alekseevna Ran

Branch of Samara State Technical University in Novokuibyshevsk

Author for correspondence.

candidate of pedagogical sciences, associate professor of Electric Power Engineering, Electrical Engineering and Technological Processes Automation Department

Russian Federation

Zhanna Valerievna Nikolaeva

Branch of Samara State Technical University in Novokuibyshevsk


candidate of chemical sciences, lecturer of Chemistry and Chemical Technology Department

Russian Federation


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Copyright (c) 2017 Ran N.A., Nikolaeva Z.V.

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