Reproductive features of Festuca rubra L. in different environmental conditions

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The paper presents comparative results of Festuca rubra L. seed productivity study in Siberia and Kazakhstan. The authors consider the influence of ecological conditions on the organo-educational process of the species. The authors reveal specific features of plants growth and development at different terms of seeding in different ecological conditions. In the first year of vegetation, plants in all variants undergo two phenological phases – shoots and tillering. Different planting dates make significant changes in the reproductive capacity of plants. In spring plants sowing apical meristem at the end of the growing season corresponds to the IV stage of organogenesis. The following year in spring, shoots of the 2nd, 3rd and 4th orders also become generative. An optimal method of Festuca rubra growing with maximum parameters of seed productivity was determined. It was found out that during spring sowing the maximum yield of seeds (up to 48 g/m²) can be obtained for the 3rd year of life of the cereal. For the 4th year there is a slight decrease (45,4 g/m²). With the early sowing date – the maximum yield (up to 51 g/m²) was obtained only for the 4th year of plant life and a further decrease is observed. During autumn sowing, the first fructification of cereals occurs only in the 3rd year of life and is expressed in the maximum number of shoots and the yield of seeds (68 g/m²). Further sharp decrease in such indicators as generative shoots and yields indicates the inexpediency of further preservation of the testes.

About the authors

Galina Aleksandrovna Zueva

Central Siberian Botanical Garden of Siberian Branch of Russian Academy of Sciences


candidate of biological sciences, senior researcher of Ornamental Plants Introduction Laboratory

Russian Federation, Novosibirsk

Irina Viktorovna Khusainova

Institute of Botany and Phytointroduction

Author for correspondence.

researcher of Laboratory of Introduction

Kazakhstan, Almaty


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Copyright (c) 2018 Zueva G.A., Khusainova I.V.

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