Organizational skills development in the sphere of entrepreneurial activity of penitentiary system prospective employees

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The paper analyzes conditions and requirements for production activities organization at penitentiary system institutions at the present stage of social and economic relations development that imply the necessity for entrepreneurial activities organizational skills. The authors consider approaches to the definition of entrepreneurial activity organizational abilities and their own definition of this concept is given through the individual psychological characteristics of the individual that is necessary for successful productive activities organization that involves effective production resources and factors use to achieve economic goals. For effective professional competencies development in the field of production the authors propose to identify the composition and structure of cadets and students’ organizational abilities, including cognitive, emotional-volitional and behavioral components. They suggest organizing educational process of «Economics» and «Fundamentals of Management in Law Enforcement» students that could study nature and structure of production relations in the penal correction system, identify mechanisms, conditions and factors for convicts’ professional resources management. In elective classes the authors propose to introduce technology of organizational skills development in entrepreneurial activity through a practice-oriented model of training, which assumes the inter-faculty nature of education where the educational process has a continuous formative character. At the training sessions the authors propose to use integrated tasks that develop cognitive component of organizational abilities in business activity among cadets.

About the authors

Olesya Nikolaevna Yezhova

Samara Law Institute of the Federal Penitentiary Service of Russia

Author for correspondence.

candidate of psychological sciences, professor of Penitentiary Service Management and Information Technology Department

Russian Federation

Natalia Ivanovna Ulendeeva

Samara Law Institute of the Federal Penitentiary Service of Russia


candidate of pedagogical sciences, associate professor of Penitentiary Service Management and Information Technology Department

Russian Federation


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Copyright (c) 2017 Yezhova O.N., Ulendeeva N.I.

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