Philosophizing as a pedagogical technique: European and Russian experience

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The following paper assumes and proves that philosophizing is one of the most effective pedagogical technologies for the development of the individual and society, which actualizes the possibility and ability to generate new knowledge about the world and man, which, in turn, largely determine the human worthiness of intellectual and real social communications, including educational ones. It is shown that knowledge brings tangible benefits when it becomes an object and a part of public intellectual communication, including philosophy, pedagogy and social practices. The author’s interpretation of the history of philosophizing in topos of intellectual discussions is presented: the city - the monastery - the city - the university, the comparative analysis of the philosophizing principles of the western and Russian philosophical schools is generalized. The specifics of philosophizing in the Russian intellectual space, including the educational one, are revealed, its exclusion from the school and university into free creative communities - a circle or salon. Differences in the pedagogical orientation of European and Russian philosophical schools and traditions are described, when in the European experience «tops» acted as «learners», and in Russia philosophizing as a pedagogical technology in the XIX - early XX centuries was oriented to «bottoms», but in any case it was always practical. The assumption is made that in both cases the limitation of the educational audience is unnecessary, which is especially evident in the current conditions of the accessibility of education, from which quite often free philosophizing is emasculated.

About the authors

Ekaterina Valerievna Bakshutova

Samara State University of Social Sciences and Education

Author for correspondence.

doctor of philosophical sciences, associate professor of General and Social Psychology Department

Russian Federation


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