Institute of Oriental Languages (Lazarevsky Institute) in the works of the Soviet historian and orientalist A.P. Baziyants

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The author of the paper examines the contribution of the Soviet historian-orientalist Ashot Patvakanovich Baziyants to the study of the Lazarev Institute of Oriental Languages. In the Soviet period, historians repeatedly touched upon this topic. However, they carried out the studies of the educational institution exclusively from certain aspects: financial and economic, pedagogical, educational, etc. The first person in historiography, who studied the subject in a comprehensive manner, was A.P. Baziyants. The result of his work was the writing of a number of works based on the study of a significant layer of archival materials from the state archives of the USSR. In his works he was one of the first to analyze the problems of Russian-Armenian relations on the example of an educational institution in the context of rapprochement of Russian and Armenian cultures, familiarizing Armenian youth with the advanced European culture and adaptation to Russian society. The historian touched on this topic in all his key works. Subsequently, all subsequent studies of the activities of the Lazarev Institute of Oriental Languages were based on the results of scientific works by A.P. Baziyants. In addition, the experience of the educational institution in the processes of adaptation of migrants to Russian society, disclosed in his works, at the present stage acquires a particular urgency.

About the authors

Vladimir Rudolfovich Avetisyan

North-Caucasus Federal University

Author for correspondence.

postgraduate student of Culturology and Arts Department

Russian Federation


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