History of a children’s home

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The paper is devoted to history of children’s home 25 established in 1946 on the territory of the Kuibyshev Region. Children of Russian emigrants living in Austria were accommodated there. These children were transferred to representatives of the Soviet authorities by the American administration. Under the terms of the agreements between the USSR, the USA and Great Britain signed at the Yalta conference (1945) people with the Soviet nationality were transferred to the Soviet Union. Children of Russian emigrants born in Austria didn’t belong to this category but despite it they were transferred to the Soviet Union. Local authorities didn’t know what to do with repatriated children. That is why the children’s home was established in a remote rural area; life and material conditions of its inhabitants were heavy: there was no necessary furniture or school supplies. Its tutors and staff were in a more difficult situation. Some of them lost their jobs. Some children were returned to parents. Unfortunately, available documents do not allow tracking the future of the children from this children’s home.

About the authors

Alexander Ivanovich Repinetskiy

Samara State University of Social Sciences and Education

Author for correspondence.
Email: a.repinetsky@yandex.ru

doctor of historical sciences, professor, vice rector for research work, professor of Domestic History and Archeology Department

Russian Federation


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